Lana, Dash DogWash Alexandra Hills

Three Months into Dog Grooming with Dash DogWash – What’s the deal?

We stopped by to ask Lana how she was feeling after three months of business ownership as a Dash DogWash Groomer.

“I feel great. It might sound cringey but I feel alive. There’s been a few times I have been driving 🚗 from one customer to another and just found myself smiling and thinking “I can’t believe I am doing this”.”

Aw Lana, that makes all the team at Dash DogWash absolutely melt with love.  You know, we always say that we are here in this franchising space to improve people’s life for the better.  Looks like we have done our job. 🙌

So tell us in real terms, what’s the difference between that first week and this past week as you celebrate your three-month anniversary?

“The fear has gone. Nerves are still there to an extent but I don’t see nerves as a bad thing. It only means I care and want to do a good job of what I’m doing”.

Lana tells us that most of her customers are returning customers.  Some offer cups of tea or coffee, always with a bikkie or two.  The best part is that some have referred her to their friends. This is not unusual with Dash DogWash.  You kind of become part of your local community.

“It’s definitely helped with my confidence. Such a great feeling when my customers are happy with my grooms and trust me with their dogs. This is something that I don’t take for granted.

I’ll ask how their dog has been since last time, or will have made a note about something they mentioned last time to ask about e.g., their holiday or how their footy team is going; Building customer relationships is the core of my business.”

Lana, it looks like you are ticking boxes, big time.  ✅ 

Any regrets with joining a Franchise rather than just doing this alone?

“Not at all. If there had to be one it would be that I should have done this sooner.” (😛 Lana, we’ve heard this before at Dash DogWash)

“So far I feel the support I’ve received has been at the right level for me to still feel like I’m running my own business but also that there are people I can get in contact with if needed.  It’s not just from the support office but all the other Groomers on our private Dash DogWash online forum in our CRM. Other franchisees ask questions that you might’ve been thinking about and everyone is happy to help with their knowledge.

Everyone I have spoken to or interacted with at Dash DogWash has been very helpful. I never feel I’ve asked a silly question. People are happy to answer and have been at the end of a phone or email when needed. I don’t feel like this is about to stop either, it feels genuine.”

Let’s talk a little about your Training.  Learning a new skill is not always easy, right?

My training period was enjoyable which helped with the nerves. Amber, Qld Team Support and Dog Grooming Trainer, has a wealth of knowledge and is very positive. Her teaching style was very suitable for me.  I was able to watch, do and also ask any questions.

My highlights were being on the road with another Dash DogWash for some Training, this allowed me to become familiar with the trailer and start to think about how I wanted my setup to be. It was also a real snapshot of how it was going to be for myself.

Also doing my Dog Grooming Training in a live grooming salon allowed me to see real behaviours or real scenarios at play. 

Nothing was too much for Amber. She checked in with me and continues to do so. The support was massively helpful.  It’s good to know that when she started out, she most likely would have experienced a lot of those initial feelings you have yourself.  That’s the thing with Grooming, everyone must start somewhere and everyone builds their confidence as they continue in their business”.

Lana, Alexandra Hills

Ok, let’s get to the nitty gritty here……Are you making good $’s.

“Yes for sure, looking at my calendar with the rebookings shows this. It’s not a sprint, I am establishing myself in the area which will take time like any business. As well as putting in the work from a marketing point of view.”

Now that you are the pro, what would you say to someone else thinking about chucking in their job amd starting their own Dash DogWash Grooming Business.

“It’s a no brainer really. You might have a lot of thoughts of “what if” about doing it, and what might happen but there’s also a list of “what if’s” if you don’t do it.  I’m just so happy I did this”.

Lana’s chosen quote: “Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.”- (Marilyn Ferguson)

Thanks Lana for giving us your valuable time to catch up.  Happy Anniversary and we will revisit again down the track.

For more information in following Lana’s footsteps please click here.  You can also talk to Lana during your due diligence.

Dash DogWash

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